Success stories

Innovation starts from micro-services architecture

transational BACK-END

Log and Data analysis

Operating in the field of financial products requires solid guarantees in terms of performance, security and stability of the software used.

To meet the client’s requirements – a company operating in the financial sector – the Finance team, specialised in analysing operational flows and their migration into scalable architectures that are as automated as possible, took action by opting tomigrate the entire architecture to a new technology stack. The project is part of an innovation program aimed at improving the efficiency and reliability of the automated processes.

The porting of financial products into a micro-services architecture was achieved thanks to a few main activities: back-end services related to telematic processings of various financial products followed by Reverse Engineering operations and design as well as the development of new work-flows to migrate the processing of pre-existing telematic flows to the new micro-services-based architecture.

One of the main challenges was to streamline the processes, increasing efficiency and performance, automating all as much as possible and yet gaining more control over operational flows.”  ” 

Giuseppe Giudice – Scrum Master and Technical Account Manager SCAI Finance

The project focuses on the migration of the operational flows found on Mainframe and/or monolithic procedures, redesigning them with a complex micro-services architecture that combined both patterns and events.

Thanks to the results achieved with the first processes migrated in 2019, the client chose to expand this type of architecture to all flows in the perimeter. In addition to improved performance, thanks to the streamlining made possible by the Log and Data analysis tools driven by an artificial intelligence-driven engine, the client has achieved greater control over the process and automatic reporting of any faults and can implement preventive and corrective actions where necessary.

Robotic Process Automation

Sviluppo Applicativo

App Maintenance

Test Automation

Business Intelligence

Data Analysis

Cloud Computing

Hyper Animation

SCAI Finance Insurance & Banking
SCAI Finance believes in and helps companies to practice digital innovation.
SCAI Finance Insurance & Banking
SCAI Finance places people, data, processes and tools at the heart of its service offer, championing ongoing innovation in a simple, sustainable and scalable way.