The management solution for large property and real estate assets

The REALGIMM system uses the IWMS (Integrated Workplace Management System) model, developed as a single tool for the management of all property processes

the product
A single-stage solution for all property processes and a point of reference for the Property sector. Discover REALGIMM

REALGIMM was created for the management of a large number of property assets, to simplify all administrative, tax-related, budget and management control aspects. These range from the more traditional Property area activities (personal data, administration, lease agreements, and billing processes) and Facility area activities (maintenance, service contracts, tenders, plant supervision, and scheduled maintenance) up to major Engineering operations (site management, orders to professionals, and tender contract).

REALGIMM: from the management of complex property assets to the most up-to-date System Integration challenges

This integrated platform can be further integrated with third-party products (GIS systems, IoT sensors and orchestrators, Big Data Analytics platforms). It is scalable and configurable, able to adapt to the needs of various types of customers. Thanks to integration with a market-leader BIM, it tracks the entire life cycle of a property, describes the property and plant assets and provides the user with navigation based on 2D/3D floor plans. This powerful tool saves time and rationalises costs, progressively meeting Property process functional needs.


RealGimm gives easier and more intuitive collaboration among diverse professionals (technical offices, construction companies, maintenance companies, etc.) and a series of benefits and management advantages. These include a single data-entry system permitting the updating of all systems, ease in identifying strategic assets, and immediate sharing of information assets, guaranteeing accessibility, quality, uniqueness and data security.


Product scalability permits the management of complex assets (60,000 property units and over a million maintenance tickets in eight years). Chosen over the years by important and satisfied companies, including Poste Italiane, the RealGimm system has gradually been supplemented with a series of features that have made it a complete, innovative product, and leader in the Property sector.


Integration permits retrieval of planimetric and spatial information, correlating it with the property and providing all the details relating to the geographical location and legal, administrative, tax-related and cost-sharing information.

RealGimm modules

Leasing and renting, Taxes, Land Registry, Management Bodies: The portrayal of a property asset, optimised for the complete and integrated management of Leasing Agreements, Invoicing/Payment Mandates, Telematic and Manual Registry Tax payment, Land Registry Form and Record, Local Authority Taxes (Property, Services and Waste), Other Taxes and Local Taxes, Condominium Management and Other Management Bodies.

Property Document Management: An integrated repository of documents relating to property management; classified and profiled. The main formats are supported, with integration possible with company ECMs.

Management of buildings, systems and maintenance: The management of general, extraordinary and condition-based maintenance activities, with the possibility of flexible management on the property/card matrix, via the definition of maintenance contracts (specialist, multi-service or global). The definition of plant reliability for purposes of maintenance management, Pre-invoicing, Bonus/Penalty, SLA and Customer Satisfaction. Cost analysis and details for estimated, planned, billable and invoiced costs and management dashboards.

Georeferencing of Assets: Recording, analysis, visualization and sharing of information deriving from geographical maps, which are made available by freeware services or legacy platforms.

The property asset identity card: Integration with an ECM (Enterprise Content Management) type platform to automate the property schedule and operational checklist based on the presence/absence of documents in the ECM and their acquisition or expiry dates.

Remote control and command functions, data collection and analysis for predictive maintenance and optimisation of maintenance times.

Static and Dynamic Reporting, and a Dashboard: System data can be analysed and displayed in reports, with filters, fields and display order pre-selected by the user. Dedicated graphic dashboards are available for specific areas, including deadlines, application workflows and statistical surveys.

Management of spaces, systems and resources: RealGimm, integrated with a GIS application, has a graphic representation engine showing buildings via interactive maps that enable interactive navigation of the floors and the highlighting of technological components at their location on the plan. It also permits the management and consultation of all logistical information stored in the system.


Facility Management

Property Management


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