


Hyperautomation© is a term created by Gartner that summarises in one evocative word a set of technologies and best practices enabling smart business process automation In the spotlight for a few years now, it remains a major technology trend for the future as well, included in the Gartner Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2022 report.

Hyperautomation refers to a business-oriented approach that provides the tools and practices to improve processes through the adoption of constant and timely measures. The objective is to quickly identify, control and automate as many company and IT processes as possible through the orchestrated use of technologies, tools and platforms, limiting the probability of error due to the human element within the various process steps. Human intervention is obviously not removed; it remains important when processing and interpreting the data generated by Hyperautomation to make strategic decisions for the company.

It is obvious to think of corporate processes as a set of activities that create value. Typically, they involve multiple parties, generating a set of deliverables through heterogeneous software and hardware systems.

Everything starts with an analysis of a process measure [Process Mining and Task Mining] that highlights possible improvements. It goes on with the introduction of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to automate tasks performed by the operators, typically repetitive and high in volumes, strict SLAs [tasks whose execution must be standardised while removing the incidence of human error] to finally end with a new process measure to highlight the effects of the improvement generated by the interventions performed.

By repeating these steps in a structured manner over time, a continuous improvement approach is adopted that ensures control and maximum efficiency of the work flow.

The analysis techniques, Process Mining and Task Mining, work on the data generated by the run time process, as well as take into account how users perform their activities on the “client” software of the process. Through Artificial Intelligence, they identify bottlenecks and recommended automation patterns.

Robotic Process Automation allows a software robot to be instructed to perform the same actions otherwise performed by the human operator with his PC. It brings direct improvements, such as saving time in execution and personnel involved, as well as the time needed to detect faults, and indirect improvements, such as the better quality of data produced, standardisation of task performance, and availability of people’s time, which can be used for higher-value activities. RPA is non-invasive and does not require excessive IT effort to be implemented.  The “robot” simulates human actions using graphical user interfaces, simulating the human use of a keyboard and mouse, but it is also able to approach data in a more traditional way, accessing DBs or using APIs and Web Services.

Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and other innovative technologies are an integral part of automation and Robotic Process Automation. They amplify their capabilities, for example by allowing the recognition and reading of elements of a graphical  interface (buttons, text fields, etc.) or the interpretation of unstructured documents from which data must be extracted. ML models can also be integrated into any part of process automation that requires a “cognitive” component. The great flexibility  of these tools is represented by the fact that they can be easily adapted to any third-party system, learning the mechanics necessary to use any software to its full potential.

Therefore, Hyperautomation (or Intelligent Automation) is a set of technologies and practices supporting the improvement and control of all company processes, regardless of sector or field.

Also the Italian market is appreciating the benefits brought by this type of approach for constantly improving the processes. Even if with some delay compared to other countries, the main Italian companies are adopting or consolidating the adoption of Hyperautomation.

The world’s leading software solution providers are also equipping themselves to increasingly support automation as an integral part of their offer. There are also several companies in the market offering automation solutions: among them, we highlight UiPath (of which we are a partner). They offer a suite of products unique in terms of E2E process automation capabilities and completeness of tools that make possible automation plan management.

As part of our success stories is how Hyperautomation can be helpful in the process of analysis and gathering of anti-money laundering documents..

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SCAI Finance Insurance & Banking
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Key Contact
Sergio Scorsoglio
Product Manager and TAM – Hyperautomation
SCAI Finance Insurance & Banking
SCAI Finance places people, data, processes and tools at the heart of its service offer, championing ongoing innovation in a simple, sustainable and scalable way.

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