Success stories

Guiding retailers towards digital maturity: A Digital-On-Your-Doorstep Community (Digitale Sottocasa)

community platform

training and E PARTNERSHIP


A digital community offering retailers services, tools and training. To meet this need, Gruppo SCAI has built a social platform that shares communications and skills. This tool is aimed at retail associations to support and follow them during the digital transition process. A part of the broader strategy of the Chambers of Commerce and Unioncamere, it promotes the objectives of the National Transition Plan 4.0 for company digitisation.

This is how the Digitale Sottocasa (Digital-On-Your-Doorstep)project began by the Turin Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture, and Punto Impresa Digitale in collaboration with ASCOM Confcommercio, Confesercenti, CNA (National Confederation of Crafts and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Turin) and Torino Wireless.

The Digitale Sottocasa project aims to involve small and medium-sized companies in digital skill growth via a personalised support programme. It will create strategic partnerships and promote the services of all the players in the network. The main purpose is to make the most of the opportunities offered by direct interaction with users, as foreseen by the national Network Enterprise 4.0 and in the Digital Enterprise Points.

Thanks to fruitful collaboration among Torino Wireless, Infocamere and Gruppo SCAI, the service was made operational in record time and with excellent results. In just a few months, the platform proved to be an opportunity for the collection and analysis of qualified and updated data for shared territorial promotion strategies. It is also an opportunity to experiment with a collaboration model among trade associations, in close cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce sectors dealing with digitalisation support. This pilot project has the potential to be replicated in other places and sectors, especially those linked to local retail, to safeguard and steer towards new digitally-enabled business models.

Digitale Sottocasa has achieved its objectives of involvement and registration. About 650 retailers are involved, many through direct contact – in consideration of the strong territorial footprint and the minimum skills of the target – and over 400 registered profiles. Among the most viewed contents of the platform are those concerning assistance towards digital. Digital Assistants have therefore been prepared to handle the onboarding phase and facilitate the growth of digital maturity.

Digitale Sottocasa also assists in the running of training courses, webinars and specialist coaching thanks to YOU ‘R US, a collaborative tool developed by SCAI Tecno for a scalable, modular and responsive community on which the platform is based.

Business Partner

Retailers who are still unfamiliar with the transformation to digital tools are guided by quality content. Using surveys, for example, information and data can be collected to assess the real needs of participants and understand difficulties, to calibrate services in the best way. Digitale Sottocasa is also a place for sharing and exchanging information, highlighting the Chamber of Commerce initiatives that were created to promote retail business and be a showcase to increase their visibility.

Among foreseen future evolutions are the implementation of new functions on the platform, usability improvements, new services, the classification and segmentation of content for each type of user, relationship maintaining retention mechanisms (push notifications, e-mails, social network integration, links to events, one-to-one meetings), and incentives based on credits.

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